WAA - Web Analytics & Attribution

About WAA Data

Web Analytics & Attribution

WAA Data is a Digital paid campaign analytics and reporting company with an office in NCR(India). We help companies accurately track their Digital advertising results and get insights for better campaign optimization.

If you run Digital campaigns, have ambitious growth goals, and are looking for an awesome partner to help you measurably improve your marketing performance and get more campaign insights/ROI, you’ve come to the right place.


Our Office Location

804-805, WTT, Noida, India - 201301
Email ID: waadata.team@gmail.com, Ph. No: 971.718.4445

For Advertisers

WAA Analyze your campign key metrics, this monitoring can help you assess the most effective parts of your campaign, to make better decisions for next time

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For Agency

WAA Data Report closely monitor the success of all client campaigns by creating impactful reports, and give insights to optimize marketing performance against

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For Marketers

Get all the metrics and dimensions you need from your campaign marketing platforms at one place, that help you determine if you are getting a positive ROI from your ad campaigns or need optimizations

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Share Campaign media platforms view only access rights at Waadata.team@gmail.com

Upload each platform campaign data on google drive and share rights at Waadata.team@gmail.com

Send all data through file to Waadata.team@gmail.com

Click here to go to Dashboard to upload data